Wednesday, October 27, 2010

My First Apple Pie

A few weeks ago Matt's aunt called us up and said that they had a surplus of apples from the tree in their backyard.  They were organic, and sweet, so what better to do with them than make an apple pie?  It was my  very first attempt, and although I'm not a lover of any desserts in the "baked fruit" category, it tasted delicious and the crust was just the right amount of flakey and golden brown.

Apron on, ready to go...

Organic apples, almost too lovely to use...

pie crust rolled out and decorated...

Finished product (and no it's not burned, I just got a little patchy with the cinnamon).

What's your favorite autumn dessert?

love, em


  1. Visiting from FN. This looks so delicious! I've never made an apple pie before, but this makes me want to!

  2. This turned out so pretty! I made my first apple pie a couple of weeks ago too. My recipe (from my grandma) had crunchies on top instead of a crust and was sooo yummy! :)
