Monday, April 18, 2011

For the Love of Flowers: Becky and Steven

Although it was still pretty darn cold outside on the day of Becky and Steven's wedding, the flowers were all about spring.  In shades of green, white, purple, and lavender, and my favorite blooms?  The tulips of course...

Bridesmaids bouquet


Bridal bouquet

 love, emmy-ray

Friday, April 15, 2011

News: emmy-ray is in INK Magazine

Hey friends, if you're a local Kansas Citian, I want you all to go grab the latest issue of INK Magazine.  It's all about DIY Weddings, and features a few fun DIY tutorials by yours truly.  Plus two of the brides featured on my wedding blog Middle of the Map Weddings, Valerie and Ellen, were also interviewed, and Valerie's on the cover.  Hooray for hand made weddings!

INK, emmy-ray

INK, emmy-ray 2

And here's a few more pics of the flower tutorials I did:



So much fun!  Pop on over to INK Magazine online to see it as well.  

love, emmy-ray


Monday, April 4, 2011

My So Called Life: Happy Birthday to Matt!

Happy Birthday today to my lovely husband.

We met 11 years ago, and every day is still an adventure.  The yin to my yang (quite literally), but also my confidant, and best friend.

Also I married a younger man, so he won't be turning 30 this year like I will.  Lucky dog.

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He was a born skier.  Here he is in Aspen 1985. 

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 Sometime in 2001, during the first year we were dating.


love, emmy-ray

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Saturday Matinee: My Drunk Kitchen

So, I already posted this on my Facebook, but I just love it soooooo much that I had to re-post for Saturday Matinee.  Of course I wouldn't endorse drunk cooking, much too dangerous for a spaz like myself (I prefer a Taco Bell or McDonald's run), but the editing is pretty genius, and who doesn't like to watch drunk people acting silly?  


Which reminds me, I need to get on editing another episode of "The Fountains".

love, emmy-ray

Friday, April 1, 2011

For the Love of Flowers: The Hombre Effect






I had some flowers left from a mock up for a client and decided to play around.  I wanted to create an hombre effect, dark to white, but probably needed about two more colors of flowers to really make it work.  Plus the flowers were actually dark purple, and lavender, but came out pink on film.  Just goes to show that colors don't always translate when photographed.  

I've also decided Hazel is officially my business mascot since she can't seem to stay out of any of the pictures I take of flowers.

love, emmy-ray