Thursday, July 22, 2010

New from emmy-ray: Origami rings

Hey loves, we're in super high gear over here at the studio making lots of new goodies for the Ric Rac Roundup.  I've made about 50 new pieces of jewelry this week, some of them are enameled with original designs, some are assembled from vintage components, but what I really want to show you today is some new rings that I created.  Awhile ago I was experimenting with embedding different things in resin and these rings are some of the results.  They're fun, adjustable, durable, and best of all inexpensive for you!  I'll be selling them for just $10 a piece at the Ric Rac Roundup this Saturday in Westport.  




  1. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! Too bad I'm not in KC this weekend to see in person.

  2. Those look awesome! My favorite is the purple one.

  3. These are great! Can you make more of them after the RRR? I wouldn't mind 1-2 of them, plus I haven't got a chance to cash in on that emmy-ray prize I won so long ago.

  4. sooo rad! If I could wear rings I would get one ASAP!
