Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My So Called Life: Google reader is O.O.C.

I've been really busy in life lately which means that I've been neglecting my online "situation".  How daunting is the task to ready 1000+ posts on Google Reader?  Some people post three times a day.  Wow, I only wish, but I have shiz to do.  Not to say that those people don't, they are probably lucky enough to blog full time and get paid for it.  Damn!

After back to back to back weddings it's nice to take a few weeks off before my next one on June 5th.  It's an Italian wedding, so needless to say there will be a lot of people which= a lot of flowers.  

I'm working my buns off right now to produce jewelry for the two upcoming art/craft events I'm participating in this summer.  Stay tuned for more details.  One of them I'm helping to coordinate, so I hope that it will be a total success.

After a morning full of productive work, I'm lazing on the porch and catching up with some old friends from the internets.  And don't worry, I'm in good company...

Photo on 2010-05-25 at 15.50 #2


Photo on 2010-05-25 at 15.56

Photo on 2010-05-25 at 15.56 #2