Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My So Called Life: Chicago in August

For our anniversary every year Matt and I take a trip to Chicago.  This year was no different, and of course we had a fabulous time.  It was our first experience using public transit, and I felt like a big girl riding the train, and taking the bus.  Thanks to my brother in law Zach for showing us the ropes!

The El in Chicago

One of the other highlights of the trip for me was visiting Fleur in Logan Square.  I've become floral friends with owner Kelly, and although she wasn't there when we stopped by, it was definitely worth the trip across town.  I bought some Saipua soap and dreamed of the day when I too could own an adorable retail shop like hers.  

Fleur Chicago

Fleur Chicago

Fleur Chicago, Saipua Soap

Fleur Chicago

We also made the obligatory trip to Water Tower Place for a little shopping.  I was most interested in the new Lego store with it's display of the Chicago skyline.  Say what!

Lego store, Chicago

Visited Navy Pier for the first time early in the morning before the shops even opened.  Walked all the way to the end and back (much further than I had imagined).

Chicago skyline

Ferris wheel, Navy Pier, Chicago

Sail boat in chicago

Our last stop was a stay with our besties Claudia and James.  We went out to a bar where no one could've been over 23.  Super awkward, but we didn't let it spoil our good time.  We ended the night at The Weiner's Circle, a drunken Chicago tradition as I understand it.  I ate way to many cheese fries, but it was totally worth it!


Weiners Circle Chicago

Thanks for sharing my Chicago adventure!

xo ~ Em

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