Thursday, June 3, 2010

INK Kansas City: Craft Challenge

I did a fun photo shoot yesterday with Monica of INK Magazine.  She asked me to participate in the first ever INK Craft Challenge a couple of weeks ago.  I of course couldn't resist, and she gave me a bag of goodies to make whatever I want, albeit unconventional goodies.  There are three other peeps competing and we all go the same stuff.  I don't want to give away the results, but look for the big reveal in the June 17th issue of INK!  I can't wait to see what everyone makes...

Photo courtesy of Jeanee from Dirty Laundry (my competition...and friend!) 

1. drink tray, 2. flower leigh, 3. tie, 4. hanger, 5. vinyl tablecloth, 6.panty hose, 7. sponges, 8.record album, 9. toothbrush, 10. panty hose holder, 11. VHS tape, 12. two shower caps

1 comment:

  1. Hee-hee! Did my photoshoot yesterday! Since I was last I asked what you all made. {muah ha-ha}
    Sounds like everyone made something SWEET! Here is a sneak peak of mine...
