Thursday, March 25, 2010

Artist Spotlight: Megan Frau

I'm so excited for my friend Megan Frau, that I just had to do a post about her work.  I first met Megan through in college, surprisingly not through the art department. Then she decided to become a Printmaker, hooray!  After graduating from MSU Megan decided to attend graduate school, and has been studying for the past two years at Minneapolis College of Art and Design.  


Although I always saw Megan as a talented illustrator and printmaker, I started following her blog once she went to graduate school and I've watched over the past two years as she's grown artistically and created some really lovely work.  I like the way she layers her images, and enjoy her content which is often slightly creepy.  I find myself always interested to see what she's going to come up with next:




The reason I was inspired to write this post was that Megan has some of her work right now in the "Glass, Cinders, and Thorns" show at 323 East gallery in Royal Oak, MI.  Find out more about the show on their website.

I was lucky enough to snag a print of the pink and gold piece on the top left.  So excited to frame and hang it in my newly decorated home.

Please check out Megan's blog/website and find out more about this talented girl.  Congratulations again!    



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