Monday, January 25, 2010

To Grandmother's House We Go

Happy Monday lovelies, I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and if you're reading this I'm happy that you've found me in my new location.  I've already had such positive feedback, so keep it coming!

My grandparents recently moved to a retirement home, and had to get rid of a lot of things.  As someone sentimental, and also with a love of antiques and vintage I took much more than was probably necessary, and have now started populating my home with these items.

Books with titles like "I Dare You" and "Robert's Rules of Order", plus some quirky cast iron German Shepherd book ends.

An owl statue (my grandmother collects them) and a pair of antique binoculars.


 Antique silver spoons, forks, and slices, some dating back before the 1900's.  I sat down with my grandmother and she told me the story behind each one.  The one with the stars cut out is my favorite.

Set of Illustrated Medical Encyclopedias, and an old print.  I used to live this picture when it was hanging in my grandparent's house.  

What's the coolest antique that you've ever gotten from a relative? 




  1. Hi Emily,
    My favorite antiques are teaspoons my grandmother gave me. She received them as a wedding gift (1920) when she and my grandfather were married in Corsica - I treasure them!

  2. Love love love the fact the you took many things that you felt were more than just sentimental. I adore the serving pieces, but of course I would.
