Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Mac Orphanage: Newest Addition?

Everyone is buzzing about the announcement of Apples next release, the iPad.  I have to say, as someone who doesn't ever get excited about technology, I am excited about this and it's possibilities for my business.  I'm already thinking of going to consults and sharing my portfolio with clients, or brainstorming ideas by searching the internet.  Using it at shows to display pictures of my work, the possibilities are endless:


Plus since it's an Apple product, the likelihood that we will end up buying one is high.  I know there are those that rail against Apple, and proclaim it as "too expensive" or that buying their products is just the cool thing to do.  However anyone that knows me and my husband, knows we are Mac people through and through, thus I have nick-named our home "The Mac Orphanage".  We have three laptops, one desktop, and various other Apple gadgets, like AirTunes.  Is this a little overkill, maybe, but for my husband computers have a special place in his heart, right behind me of course.   

Check out the video for the iPad here:   

Your City Thursday: Things you can buy at bon bon atelier

Photo on 2010-01-28 at 11.15 #2

Good afternoon lovelies, hope you are having a wonderful Thursday.  Yes, yes I know some of you are looking and saying "Geez, another post about bon bon?"  But hey, not only do I love these girls and their store, I'm working here all day so it only makes sense.  Plus they have some great new products that you need to know about right now. (For non Kansas Citians please shop online at: or their Etsy shop     

So what can you buy at bon bon atelier exactly?

Photo on 2010-01-28 at 11.15 

How about fabric from designers like: Joel Dewberry, Anna Marie Horner, Valorie Wells, Liberty of London and some Japanese Imports too.  This ain't your grandma's fabric! 

Photo on 2010-01-28 at 11.16
Coffee mugs, and cups with yarn balls and knitting needles.  Craftacular!

Happy Tape from Japan.  I'm buying some to use for a collage project, but the crafting possibilites are endless! 


Photo on 2010-01-28 at 11.17
And just added this week, products from INTERWEAVE's "Sew Liberated" line, including bags, adorable shirts, skirts, quilts, and this intriguing baby book (I'm engrossed).  Plus the "Sew Liberated" book with step by step instructions and patterns.  Check out the Sew Liberated Blog, with lovely photos and inspiration for crafting.  Come in this weekend and get 10% off all patterns and books.  


Photo on 2010-01-28 at 11.18
That's all for now.  Stay tuned for tomorrow's Valentine's DIY, I promise I'll be doing it, rain or shine.      

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Dreaming of Florida

It's another grey day in Kansas City, and I'm working here at the lovely bon bon atelier for the next two days.  So DIY must wait until Friday, as I feel silly dragging all my crafting materials all the way from home. 

In the meantime my sister has been counting down the days until we go to Florida, and I'm reminded it's only two weeks away!  Nothing like the thought of warm sandy beaches and the ocean to bring a little sunshine into a dreary mid-west day.  It's got me in the mood to look at swimsuits and I came across this little number:


(Oh Joy!)

And then found a few more.




Last summer I found the perfect polka dot vintage style swimsuit and have been having a love affair with them ever since.  I wonder if I have time to purchase another before we leave...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Delightful little things...

I had planned a lovely DIY to show you all today for Valentines, but I had a bit of a mis-hap this morning and have ended up immobilized.  No worries, nothing too serious, I will be better in no time.  A special thanks to Matt for taking such good care of me.  

Meanwhile I've been cruising the net and finding lots of inspiration, as usual

These delicate little pieces (This Lovely City)

Rugs by Amy Butler (mimi and meg)   

Love birds and milk glass (papernstitch)  

Hope you'll tune back in for tomorrow's DIY.  Until then, happy Tuesday my lovelies!

Monday, January 25, 2010

To Grandmother's House We Go

Happy Monday lovelies, I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and if you're reading this I'm happy that you've found me in my new location.  I've already had such positive feedback, so keep it coming!

My grandparents recently moved to a retirement home, and had to get rid of a lot of things.  As someone sentimental, and also with a love of antiques and vintage I took much more than was probably necessary, and have now started populating my home with these items.

Books with titles like "I Dare You" and "Robert's Rules of Order", plus some quirky cast iron German Shepherd book ends.

An owl statue (my grandmother collects them) and a pair of antique binoculars.


 Antique silver spoons, forks, and slices, some dating back before the 1900's.  I sat down with my grandmother and she told me the story behind each one.  The one with the stars cut out is my favorite.

Set of Illustrated Medical Encyclopedias, and an old print.  I used to live this picture when it was hanging in my grandparent's house.  

What's the coolest antique that you've ever gotten from a relative? 



Saturday, January 23, 2010

Handmaker of Things New Home

Welcome lovelies to my new home!  Cozy and inviting I hope.  I am excited about making a fresh start.  I think this new format will allow me to interact easily with friends and followers.  Let me know what you think, I love feedback as always!

Handmaker of Things New Home
 Stay tuned for more, and don't forget to change my address: